Where Is The Way To Heaven ?

It is a matter of the time of Mahatma Buddha. In those days, after death, some special rituals were performed to make the soul enter heaven. It used to be that some small stones were put in a pitcher and after doing puja-havan etc. it would have been hit by a metal, if the pot broke and the stones would come out, it would be considered a sign that the soul Is freed from his sin and finds a place in heaven.
Since the pitcher was of soil, in this process, the pitcher always splits and the soul gets to heaven and in return for this, the pundits would take a lot of donations.
After the death of his father, a young man thought, why not seek the help of Mahatma Buddha for soul-purification, he must have known some better and surest way to bring soul to heaven. With this thought, he came before Mahatma Buddha.
"O Mahatma! My father is no more, please tell me some way to ensure that his soul finds a place in heaven itself. ”, Said the young man.
Buddha said, "Well, do as I say ... You should bring two pitchers from those pundits." Fill one with stone and the other with ghee. Taking both the pitches to the river and dipping them so much that only the upper part of them is visible. Then speak loudly to the mantras that the Pandits have taught you and finally hit them with a hammer made of metal from below. And after doing all this, tell me what I saw? "
The young man was very happy that he felt that by the process of Buddha, all the sins of his father would be cut and his soul would get heaven.
The next day the young man did exactly that and after doing all he appeared before the Buddha.
"Come son, tell me what you saw?", Buddha asked.
The young man said, “I hurt you by pouring stones filled with stones and ghee in water as you said. As soon as I hit the stone pitcher, the pot broke and the stones drowned in water. After that I attacked the pit containing the ghee, the pit also burst immediately and the ghee started flowing in the direction of the river. "
Buddha said, "Okay! Now go and ask those pundits to do such puja, yagna, etc. that those stones start floating above the water and the ghee sits on the surface of the river. "
The young man said surprised, "How do you talk? No matter how many pandits worship, stones can never float on water and ghee can never sit on the surface of a river! ”
Buddha said, "All right, and the same is with your father." All the good deeds they have done in their life will lift them to heaven and whatever bad deeds they have done will drag them towards hell. And no matter how much you worship, get the ritual done… you cannot change their results even a little. "
The young man had understood the point of Buddha that after death there is only one way to go to heaven and that is to do good deeds while alive.


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