Some Amazing Interesting Facts Of Science

This world is full of mysteries. There are many things in this world which many of us know very little about. We have brought some such interesting and interesting facts. These interesting facts will not only increase your knowledge but can also surprise you.

So let's see some fun interesting facts.
A human can only survive the Vacuum of Space for about 90 Seconds.
Talking to yourself while working or reading helps to concentrate.

Scientists have not yet been able to determine what color the dinosaur was.
When you are blushing or feeling embarrassed, the color inside your stomach turns red.

There are only 6 countries in the world in 40% of the earth.
You can never cry in space because your tears will not fall down. This is due to gravity.
A person's brain uses 20% of the total calories and oxygen consumed by him daily.
According to researches, people who are blushing quickly are more compassionate and reliable.
More than 800 billion neutrons released by the sun must have passed through your body, by the time you read this sentence.

Every year on earth, the burden of 77 lakh people increases.

If a person is left in space without any security measures, then he will be alive for only 2 minutes.
Scientists in Mexico have discovered one thing with the help of which they can turn tequila into diamonds.

Our brain has more ability to remember bad memories than good memories.

If all the stars of one sky Ganga become like grains of salt, then they can fill the entire Olympic swimming pool. (Olympic swimming pool size: 50 meters or 164 feet in length, 25 meters or 82 feet in width, and 2 meters or 6 feet in depth)
A piece of waste present in space falls on the earth every day. NASA scientists have estimated this.

The sky appears blue from the earth but astronauts see it black.

One teaspoon of neutron star is heavier than the whole Mount Everest.
If there are 20 people in a room, then there is a 50 percent chance that the date of birth of any two will be the same.

Wind does not sound when it is moving against an object.

It takes more than 4 thousand years to completely destroy a plastic bottle.
If you go into space, you will die from a burst of body instead of strangulation because there is no air pressure.

Before going to sleep, 93 per cent of people in bed count their hours of sleep.
You will be surprised to know that the wasps and burrows have taken the lives of about 200 people and dropped 2 planes. The plane crashes in 1980 and 1986 were caused by them.

If you use your hands more while talking, then you are more talented and confident.

Even if you shout loudly while standing in front of someone in space, he will not be able to hear your voice because there is no means to transmit your voice from one place to another.

If you search the word 'Tilt' in Google, the page itself will be slightly tilted.
Pangwen can drink saline water. Their body has a suborbital gland that separates water and salt.
It takes a full 6 months for the nail to grow from the initial part to the last.

Do you know that about 27,000 trees are cut each year to provide toilet paper to the whole world.
Girls learn the language quicker than boys and use more difficult words.


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