Modern Science Vs Vaidic Science

There are many topics such as science, Vedic mathematics, organ protest, push, plane, nuclear bombs in the Vedas, through which it is to see the debate from time to time that the fortune thing is described in the advertisement in Indian people. Inspired by this debate, Young Science Communicator Pradeep has prepared a research article, in which the ancient Indian scientific achievements have been found in Hindesea.

This important article is the fresh progress of the sciences of the sciences of the sciences of the sciences. It is well known that the ancient India's achievement was astonishing in terms of science. But it has been seen that whenever ancient Indian science is discussed, then Indian people are divided into two factions. According to a group, our ancestors took the search only in ancient times, according to the other group, there is nothing scientific in ancient Indian lenders. According to the first group, if the integrity of ancient people should be interpreted, all inventions of modern science can be found in it.

When the intensive discussion is done on the science of ancient times, then the Indian people are presented examples of achievements of ancient texts (Vedas, Puran, Upanishad, Ramayana, Mahabaratrat etc.) for confirmation of their claims, such as- radar system (Markar, Magicians, Goldlamp, the principle of changing the gold, Missile technique, the principle of Krishna Wiver, relativity theory and quantum theory, the technology of views, the technique of viewing the scope of the planes, the principle of the aircraft, the principle of uncertainty, Sanjivani Drug, many heads, people, pure-type equipment etc.

A common Hindustani is very proud of its ancestors' high quality. He also appears to be the glimpse of his glorious golden history and he believes that it was necessary to advanced our approach science and technology. At the same time, people of the other group consider the scientific achievements of ancient India, persecution and irrelevant.

So we believe right, first group or other group? As we know that science is based on notifications and facts. Before accepting any principle in science, the difficulty of the evidence of the evidence is taken. In logic and sorting analysis of information and facts, it is mandatory. This condition does not apply to the first counter-fantasy of the group. At the same time, the scientific fanaticism of people in the second group is globally. To evidence, any validity of the test is unscientific, in the same way, the evidence is also unscientific to deny the test. Therefore, we will try to highlight the prejudice in this article, which is some scientist in ancient literature, to uncover the fairness. First we will analyze those claims that the innovation that our ancestors were well-known. After that we will analyze those claims, according to all the searches of modern science were discovered by our ancestors.

Defence in Vedas: Science in the values: There are such proofs from current research, which appears that the Indus Valley civilization was more amazing and great than civilization of alloy and Babylonian. People of Sindhhatiky lived in the good constructions of raw-specific and wood, which were made according to the plan. There were drains in accordance with the credentials. Archaeologists have got a huge vivolway from Mohanjodar. There are many types of distances from the locations of Sindhghati civilization, in which there is surprisingly uniformity. The scripture here has not yet been read. The scholars are estimated that people of the Independentity of the symbolism will be a good knowledge of geometry and points-mathematics.

The general public of our country is a big misunderstanding about the Vedas. The multiplication public believes that Vedas is the renewable reserves of science, but we should remember that Veda is almost a few years of three thousand years ago. Among them, the socio society has been searched as much as the science. Four major organs of Vedic literature - Ved (Rigka, Samdar, Athwar, Yazurveda), Brahmin-texts, Upanishad and Vedanga have gain information about the scientific achievements of Vedic-Carpet society.


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