Corona Virus: Doctors Get Important Clues Related To Treatment Of Covid-19

Doctors in the UK have started a clinical trial which may help critically ill patients with Covid-19
Doctors have found that Covid-19 reduces the number of immune cells (immune cells or T-cells) in critically ill people.

T-cells are responsible for throwing the disease out of the body.
This clinical trial will include scientists from King's College London's Francis Crick Institute and the Gaez & St Thomas Hospital, who will try to find out if a drug called interleukin 7 can help increase T-cell numbers in Kovid-19 patients. Can.
Interleukin 7 is commonly used to increase T-cell count in patients struggling with other diseases.

Immune system

The doctors involved in the trial conducted a detailed examination of the blood samples of 60 patients of Covid-19 and found that the number of T-cells in them is very low.
Professor Adrian Hede of Crick Institute says that the way the Corona virus damages the immune system is "shocking" in itself.
He says, "We believe that our body's immune system fights against disease.But the corona virus in a way pulls the ground under the feet of the immune system. He starts destroying the T-cell. "
There are usually between 2,000 and 4,000 T-cells in one microliter of blood from a healthy adult person. They are also called T-lymphocytes.
But doctors found in the test that the number of these T-cells in Kovid-19 patients was between 200 and 1,200.

'Encouraging' effort

Doctors say that after this new information, a 'special test' can be made for the number of T-cells in the blood of corona patients, so that in time it will be known which patients can take this disease and serious forms. .

Also, to increase the number of decreasing T-cell, doctors will have the possibility of treatment.
Manu Shakander-Hari, Critical Care Consultant at Gaze & St. Thomas Hospital, says that about 70% of patients undergoing intensive care have 400 to 800 T-cells per microliter of blood.

He says, "As they begin to recover, the number of T-cells in their blood also starts increasing."
Interleukin 7 has been tested on a small group of patients with sepsis. In these patients, this drug has proved successful in increasing the T-cell count.

Shakander-Hari says, "We are hoping that as the number of T-cells in the body increases, the infection will also end."

He says, "As a critical care physician, I take care of patients who are seriously ill despite supportive help. We do not have any treatment for this disease yet.In such a situation, this clinical trial is encouraging for all UK critical care physicians. "

This research also shows how the corona virus destroys the immune system in people struggling with Covid-19 Professor Adrian Hede says that this information can prove to be important for doctors all over the world.

He says, "This virus has completely changed the world and has created emergency situations in all countries. It is a different type of virus.But till now we do not know how this virus destroys the T-cell of the body. Actually this virus is very different and we are hoping that this research will know how this virus affects the body. "


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