Lockdown 5.0: Now No pass Will be Required To Travel From UP To any State Including Bihar

 A new Guideline of Lockdown 5.0 has been released by the Ministry of Home Affairs.  The most convenient thing in this is that interstate transport will not be banned from June 1.  That is, where permission is allowed, bus, taxi and other transport can be operated from one state to another state except the metro.  Although the state can control this transport if desired, people will have to give concrete reasons for this.  It has to be properly publicized among the public.  In such a situation, people will now be able to move easily from UP to Bihar, Jharkhand and any other state.

image resources : Pixabay.com

 Many people were stranded in remote areas due to the lockdown.  Due to not being able to get an e-pass, they were not able to go to their home, now after the guideline of Lockdown 5.0, they can easily go to their house by bus or taxi.

 These restrictions will continue to apply as before:

 - Only 50 people can attend weddings

 - 20 people will attend the funeral

 -Face mask, social distancing will be necessary.

 - Mosque is necessary even while traveling

 - Spitting in public places prohibited

 - Religious-cultural, political rally will be banned

 This advice will also apply as before:
 People over 65 years of age, pregnant women, people already suffering from diseases, children younger than 10 years, stay in the house will be applicable.

 Work from home is better if possible
 The guideline states that as far as possible people should work from home, promote work from home.  There should be complete system of screening and cleanliness at workplaces, sanitization should be done.


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