Just know these 5 simple tips and remember any difficult topic
Know some of the most effective and effective ways to remember for a long time, if you read anything, you will remember it for a long time. The tips given here are very effective for students preparing for school and competitive examinations.
When the candidates prepare for the examination of competitive or regular studies, then the candidates study their course. One who has studied is unable to remember for a long time, there is a difference between preparing for the examination of competitive or regular studies and studying only. Candidates do studies, but the results do not come as they thought, the difference is due to the way of preparing. Actually, how the candidate prepares himself for studies and preparation, and how to remember the taught for a long time is very important.
Do you read any subject repeatedly, yet you do not remember it? Do you forget what you have missed? So this article is very important for you. The method of memorizing any topic by repeating it has become old.
As we know that we have 5 sense organs. Which is shown in the picture given above and you are using only a few senses to memorize the speech and in this way the brain is used very little. If you want to remember everything you read and that too foreverSo you have to use your brain to the maximum. If you use the methods given below, you will easily remember anything you read.
Mind Palace Techniques UsedIf you want to remember what you read forever, then you will have to remember that topic by remembering it from everyday things. Relating to everyday things, remembering a subject, you would remember that topic for a long time. Such technique is known as Mind Palace technique in English. ifIf you have seen the serial Sherlock Holmes of your BBC One, then you will know this method very well. In this serial, a detective named Sherlock relates any incident to everyday things and stores it in his mind and never forgets or in other words, the events in his mindKeeps it in the palace. Your brain has an infinite capacity to store information.Let's understand this method through an example, if you want to remember that Salim Ali is also called Birdman of India, then you blindly think in your mind the names of Salim and Ali Two boys are playing with sparrows on the map of India and then all of a sudden collideA man named Salim-Ali turns into a bird of form or becomes a Bird Man of India. This was just a simple example, initially you may face difficulties in adopting such a method, but after some practice this method will become very easy and the special thing is that you will not feel boredom while studying.
Memorize the subject like a poem, song or any rhymes:If you have read your chemistry, then you must have read about the periodic table. By which we are able to remember the names and atomic numbers of the elements. Many students barely remember the names and atomic numbers of some elements. But many students remember the whole table. Students who completThe table is remembered, most of them remember the table like a song.For example, pay attention to this line, yes Lina gets Ruby & She is fire [Han LiNa Ko mil gai Ruby & C is Fire]. You can easily remember this by adding it to the first group of tables.
From the above picture you must understand that some words are made to complete the sentence. In this way, you can remember your subject through many interesting sentences.
Teach yourself (or fictional students)
If you have read anything, try to convince yourself by standing in front of the mirror. There are many advantages to doing this. The first advantage is that you will understand that concept very well because you need to understand yourself before explaining. While teaching, you are using many sense organs, due to which yoThings are remembered for a long time. Apart from remembering, this method will help in your personality development and at the same time will increase confidence in you. If you want, you can work with the help of pen and paper. Therefore, if you remember anything, try to teach it yourself, it will be very beneficial.
Repeating is very important, because it will give you the ability to recallThe above method may be difficult for you in the beginning. If you have memorized any of your topics as mentioned above, then after a period of time you should repeat the topic again. Only after repeating, you will know how soon you can recall the subject. If you have used the Mind Palace techniqueSo be sure to note how long it is taking to recall what you missed. Initially, the time will be longer but gradually the time of recall will be reduced. After some practice, you will remember once reading anything, that too for a long time.
Deep sleep, meditation, mind games, physical exercises and brain developing diets
Chess, Sudoku etc. are some of the games that help to increase your concentration power. Because all these games require a lot of concentration. The decision making ability of the person playing these games also improves.
As we know that by exercising continuously, a person's muscles become stronger. Similarly, we can also consider brain as a muscle and by playing puzzles like chess and crossword puzzles repeatedly, high concentration power can be obtained for a long time. You can play these games anywhere and anytime on your smartphone.
A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Therefore, physical exercise and healthy diet are very important to improve concentration. Aerobic exercises like jumping jacks, running, etc. increase the oxygen concentration in your brain. Make aerobics exercise a part of your daily life.
This will help you to keep fit as well as increase your concentration power. In addition to exercise, a healthy diet is also important for improving concentration levels. There are some foods that have a positive effect on a person's mind. Plum, broccoli, avocado are some examples of such meals. By avoiding eating junk food and including such food in your diet, you will be able to strengthen your concentration power. As your concentration power increases, so will your ability to remember.
There are many difficulties in adopting these methods in the initial phase. Because, our mind gets used to doing any work in the same way that we have been doing that work since childhood. Therefore, it will take time to adopt the new method, but through continuous practice, you can easily achieve mastery.
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