It Is Necessary To realize You Own Mistakes
This is the best known that we have taken birth in the world if it is born as a human, then we will have mistakes who have said this very much understanding that any human being can not be completely right, there is no mistake of him. But the mistake of the man who has been done, it should be sure how it misrepreneuries by making this mistake from this mistake, the inspired by the mistake of this mistake, inspires to move forward to the whole of him, and encourages the reasons for repeat the mistakes in the future.
A story wear and the fact that you hear all of them, are very young, which are very instructive. In the old time, the sanching of the name of the Kannath chef in any village of the name, which was known to be his calm and restrained behavior. It was said that he never came to anger. Some of the earliest sitting in an everyday village, an earlier strike, an announcement made that an individual who will give angry to the Kannath Maharaj will give Rs 200 200. Running in the greed of money, a Brahmant Youth told people to that people I can make anger to chef.
Because of this condition, he was a home of the young man, which heaven, the chef was heared in worship. At the moment, he was leaving in the worship of the wrath of him. He was sitting in the lap of Brahmin Youth Adanath Maharaj, he thought that this way would be angry at the worship, and the condition will win. But the opposite of this, the chef said that the Maharaj said by seeing that youth. "Brahtan..It was very happy to see. But many of the people are there, I have the most young, the young man has been fully shocked. This he understood that it was not easy to make it angry. But the greed of money was not easy to make it angry. But the treed of the money was not to dull and donate the time of the efforts of the effort.
The ability to worship, and his wife was sitting in food and his wife served me food and then began to ahmas, he was scared of the child's redemption on the back of his detection of the death. Yeham said that his wife was angry with this thing to see that the Brahman did not fall. His wife said that I will get the child to work on the child, then how will I do this child I will fall. Then the young man was worsened with the shame of his wife. He had nothing to say about his failure. That Brahman started to be the gain of this mistake in his mind. The idea was that he was able to understand this mood of the people, and after seeing it, he wanted to stop the anger by doing this anger, but in the same time, you could stop the sharp than you, but in such a way you could stop the mistake by making you angry by the anger, but in such a situation, you can not realize the mistake of you, and you do not make any mistakes in this way, so we have realized the mistake.
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