Interesting Facts About Blue Whale

Blue whale is the largest creature in the world and it is found in all the oceans of the world.  According to scientists, blue whale has been present on this earth for about 50 million years.

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When the Blue Whale fights in the oceans, the submarine and the ship also have to change their path.  There are many species of blue whale, such as sperm whale, killer whale, pilot whale, beluga whale etc.  So let us know some interesting facts related to Blue Whale: -

Blue whales were found in large quantities in almost all the oceans of the Earth in the early twentieth century, but they have almost reached the verge of extinction, having been hunted continuously for a century.

Blue whales can be up to 30 meters long and weigh up to 180 tons.  If seen, the blue whale is larger than the dinosaur skeletons, which is about 27 meters in size.

The most surprising thing is that whales cannot breathe in water.  There is a hole on their head with the help of which it can breathe. When it dives out of the water, it breathes with the help of a hole. Blue whale can stop his breath from 35 minutes to 2 hours.

Do you know that the tongue of a blue whale is equal to that of an African forest elephant and their heart is at least the size of a golf cart.  His heartbeat can be heard from 2 miles away.

Blue whales sleep very little.  It can also remain asleep for 3 months.  Their mind is half awake and half asleep at bedtime.  If it falls asleep deeply, it can die by drowning.

The weight of a blue whale's heart is equal to 400 pounds (180 kg) kg.
The neck of the blue whale is quite flexible, which can rotate round while swimming.  They have two heads at the end of their tail which help them to swim. They can swim at a speed of 46 kilometers per hour.
Female blue whales do not lay eggs like other fishes but they produce children.  She gives birth to one child at a time.  Blue whale babies drink up to 380 liters of milk daily until they are about 7 months old.
Blue whales feed about 4 tons to 6 tons a day.  She keeps the energy derived from food safe, due to which she can remain without eating food for 200 days.

Compared to the blue whale's body parts, the blue whale's brain is very small and weighs only 92 kg, which is 0.007 percent of its body weight.
Blue whales are the most powerful animals in the world, they can hear each other's voice from 1000 miles away, that is, they can call each other from 1000 miles away.  She makes a very sweet voice to call her companions.


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