Are You Infected With Corona Virus Or Not? Learn how to find out from Dr. KK Aggarwal
Are you infected with Corona virus or not? Learn how to find out from Dr. KK Aggarwal
COVID-19: Corona virus is rapidly catching people. But it is difficult to know whether you have this virus or not.
The whole world is in panic with the corona virus. More than 10 thousand lives have been lost worldwide since COVID-19. Millions of people are infected. 4 people have died of corona in India. The figure of infected persons has crossed the 200 mark. About 20 lives have been saved. The Indian government is constantly trying to stop the infection of Corona.
Amidst all this, everyone is in this fear and worry whether they have a corona infection. People are doing all the work very thoughtfully, anyone who has a common cold also is scared by the fear of corona. If you have any doubt, here we are telling you how to find it.
To find out many such questions related to coronaviruses and their answers, we spoke to Dr. KK Aggarwal, Editor-in-Chief of Madtox and Chairman of Heart Care Foundation of India, in which he has given many details.
Which test is available to detect the corona virus?
Dr. KK Aggarwal said, "There is no test kit available to detect the corona virus but it can still be detected in the hospital by series of continuous screening procedures."
Which labs can test the corono virus?
According to Dr. KK Aggarwal, testing for COVID-19 can only be done in specialized laboratories that are certified to perform such tests.
What exactly happens during a coronovirus test?
One of the following samples can be sampled from you in the lab:
Swab test: In the laboratory, a sample of a special cotton swab is taken inside the throat or nose.
Aspirate of a nose: In the lab, a saline ie saline solution will be injected into your nose, then the sample will be taken out with tenderness.
Trackheel aspirate: In this test, a thin, light tube called a broncho scope is inserted into your lungs from which a sample will be collected.
Sputum Test: In this test, sputum is a type of mucus from your lungs and which is taken out of the nose or through a bandage.
Blood test: Blood samples collected in this process are analyzed, or will be detected by a special gene sequencing test of the corona virus. It detects the condition of corono virus in the body.
When should the corono virus test be done?
In the case of corona virus, you only need to check if you are showing signs of corona virus infection. Apart from this, if you have come to visit the countries infected with the corona virus, then you should definitely check the corona virus. If you have a high infection rate around you, you may need a test. Symptoms of corona virus include: high fever, sore throat, etc.
Is there treatment for COVID-19?
Dr. KK Aggarwal says that, so far no treatment of corona virus has been revealed. There is no cure for COVID-19 infection. However, by taking precautions you can prevent its spread.
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